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Goblinoid Races

The group known as goblinoids includes three different
humanoid subraces: goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears.
These creatures share enough societal, lingual, and
cultural similarities to be discussed as a group.

Regardless of subrace, goblinoids tend to be of a bullying
nature. They often pick on smaller creatures, but when
confronted by more numerous or powerful foes they may exhibit
cowardly traits. Goblinoid society does not emphasize social
bonds. Camaraderie and altruism are foreign concepts to
goblinoids since the fall of one of their companions means
the passing on of his or her position and privileges to
another of their tribe or group. Goblinoids may even betray
their own kind in order to gain status or belongings. Social
status in a group of goblinoids tends to depend on size;
respect is generally given to stronger and larger individuals
while intelligent but weaker sorts must take lower positions.

Disclaimer: There are no current guilds that accept goblin wizards!

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