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Kismet Costs for Various Races

Aquatic Elf* ??? Avariel Elf* ???
Drow Elf 300 Kismet Moon Elf* 0 Kismet
Sun Elf* 100 Kismet Wild Elf 100 Kismet
Wood Elf 50 Kismet
Half elves
Common Half-elf 50 Kismet Half-Aquatic Elf* ???
Half Drow* 300 Kismet
Arctic Dwarf* ??? Gold Dwarf* 50 Kismet
Gray Dwarf* ??? Shield Dwarf* 0 Kismet
Wild Dwarf* ??? Urdunnir* ???
Deep Gnome 200 Kismet Forest Gnome 200 Kismet
Rock Gnome 0 Kismet
Ghostwise Halfling 100 Kismet Lightfoot Halfling 0 Kismet
Strongheart Halfling 50 Kismet
Gray Orc 200 Kismet Half- Orc* 50 Kismet
Mountain Orc 200 Kismet Goblin* 200 Kismet
Hobgoblin* ??? Orog* ???
Planetouched Races
Aasimar 700 Kismet Air Genasi 900 Kismet
Earth Genasi 900 Kismet Fey'ri* ???
Fire Genasi 900 Kismet Tanarukk* ???
Tiefling 700 Kismet Water Genasi 900 Kismet
Rare Races
Aarakocra* ??? Bugbear* ???
Centaur* ??? Lizardfolk* ???
Hobgoblin* ??? Lizardfolk* ???
Wemic* ??? Yuan-ti* ???

Races marked with an
* are not currently available for creation. If you
see a character of one of these races it is either a very rare roleplay or
the character was created at a time previously when that race was offered.

Races marked with a
* may have additional kismet requirements
depending on their alignment.

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Kismet costs Races
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