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Gnome classes allowed

Race        |Kism|  Warrior  | Priest| Rogue |             Wizard            |
| |Fig|Rgr|Pal|Clc|Drd|Thf|Bar|Abj|Con|Enc|Ill|Inv|Mag|Nec|Tra|
Gnome |
Deep | 200| ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Forest | 200| * | R | | * | R | * | A | R | * | * | * | * | * | R | R |
Rock | 0| * | | | * | | * | A | R | * | * | * | * | * | R | R |
A : on application
R : restriction applied
C : to come
* : available
General class restrictions
Ranger : no neutral or evil ranger guild in game yet
Druid : alignment restriction depending on deity (see deities descriptions)
Paladin : alignment and deity restrictions (see deities descriptions)
Abjurer : no evil abjurer guild in game yet
Transmuter : no evil transmuter guild in game yet
Necromancer : good necromancer on application

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Gnomes Kismet costs Races allowed
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