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Peverell Goldfarb, Lorekeeper of Oghma

Peverell Goldfarb was born in the village of Longsaddle, the result of a brief
liason between farmer's daughter and an elven ranger. He was raised by his mother
and aunts, growing up amongst his robust full-blooded human cousins on the
Goldfarbs' farm. A quiet and bookish feyblood boy, Peverell was something of a
misfit in the village. Desperate to prove his worth, he began to study the healing
arts. Instead of fighting the griffons who often preyed on Longsaddle's livestock,
he tended the wounds of the farmers.

Stifled by the atmosphere of Longsaddle, Peverell came to the city of Waterdeep
in his 16th year. Like many young adventurers he found himself learning from the
Oghmans at the Font of Knowledge. As well as improving his combat skills, he spent
many hours in the scribe's room working on his writing and studying maps of the
Realms. The scribe, impressed by young Peverell's thirst for knowledge, suggested
he talk to High Bardess Ynaura and learn more about the Binder. After many months
of study and contemplation, Peverell announced his desire to serve as a priest in
the Oghman Church.

As part of his initiation into the Church, Peverell travelled about the Realms
collecting folk tales. The books he published after this journey were the beginning
of lifelong love of storytelling. More books followed, and Peverell became a familiar
face at festivals and public performances. Under the wise guidance of Namer Lerytha
Holt and High Bardess Ynaura Larkspur, Peverell's love for the Binder was nurtured
and flourished as he was promoted through the ranks of the Church. Whilst in his
twenties he founded the newspaper "Goldfarb's Good News," with the intention of
spreading news and useful information throughout Faerun. He settled in Waterdeep,
marrying his sweetheart, Ellette, and starting a family of his own.

Raising a son and editing a newspaper alongside his priestly duties kept Peverell
busy and content. Always humble and unassuming, he believed he would live out his
days in a similar manner. Consequently his promotion to Lorekeeper alongside his
Brother-in-Faith Ramirus came as something of a shock. He accepted the honour and
vowed to serve the Binder to the best of his abilities. He continues to live in
Waterdeep, working on various projects for the promotion of the Oghman ideals of
truth and knowledge.

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