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Ramirus Dranigar, Lorekeeper of Oghma

Ramirus Dranigar was born into a well-to-do family that lived in the vicinity
of Waterdeep. His parents were both clerks who worked inside the city and he
had one older brother, who worked as an assistant to his parents. Given his
family's involvement with writing, it was natural for Ramirus to also be
drawn to books and writings and such. However, his passion for it went deeper
than an average person, and once his family saw this, they encouraged him to
pursue his interests further by studying at the Font in Waterdeep. At the
Font, Ramirus received training in different things, such as combat, but the
bookish pursuits had always piqued his interest much more. He had been
trained as a cleric, so he endeavored to write a book exploring the process
of healing, and the different ways it took place. It became clear to him that
his interests fell under the portfolio of Lord Oghma, the Binder, therefore
he sought to serve as a priest of the Binder. Under the supervision of the
High Bardess Ynaura, Ramirus undertook lessons, and then took on tasks to
prove himself, culminating in the completion of his book about healing. After
that, he was raised to the clergy as a Loremaster of the Binder.

He served the Binder dutifully throughout the years, progressing in the ranks
of the faith as the faith was guided by the Namer Lerytha and the High
Bardess Ynaura. He also found love with the Heartwarder Paige Kilmara, and
then eventually were joined together in marriage. After some years together,
their family grew as they welcomed their first daughter Adrienne, and
subsequently their second daughter Zoey.

At some point, the Namer Lerytha retired from her position guiding the faith,
and some years after that, the High Bardess Ynaura also decided to step down
from her position guiding the faith. Along with his fellow priest Peverell,
Ramirus was chosen to serve as Lorekeeper of the faith. Ramirus serves the
Binder mainly in Waterdeep, where his family also lives.

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