Online Help


Syntax:  hide 
Syntax: sneak
Syntax: visible, vis

If you successfully hide, creatures cannot see you unless they succeed in
making a
spot check. You will no longer be hidden once you move, unless
sneak. If you are sneaking, other characters have a chance of hearing your
movements if they succeed in a
listen check.

If you successfully sneak, you can move from place to place without being
noticed by other player characters. If you flee, you will stop sneaking
and will have to 'sneak' again.

Engaging in combat will end both hide and sneak.

Visible cancels your hiding and sneaking, as well as any invisibility,
effectively making you visible again to all.

* These skills are affected by the type of armour you wear. Heavier armour
will increase the chance of failure with these skills.

* Many quests will be broken if you take the correct next step while hidden!
In particular, be certain that you are visible before handing over quest items.

* While hidden, you may use 'smote'. Your smotes will appear as "Someone" to any
character who has not spotted you. Please ensure that any smotes you do while
hidden are things you could reasonably expect to do without revealing yourself.

* Rangers are able to sneak anywhere but they may hide only in the wilds.

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