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Syntax: speed [crawl][hop][limp][walk][jog][run][dash][sprint]  bipeds}
speed [limp][walk][trot][gallop]
steeds & mounted PCs}
speed [fly][soar]
flying mounts & PCs mounted on them}

The speed command sets the speed at which your character moves. Faster
speeds will tire you or your mount more quickly, but the time delay between
moves is shorter. Some races are unable to run or jog due to their slower
natures. Some of the faster speeds you will only be able to do if your race
goes that fast or your mount does.

Note that the speeds FLY and SNEAK are also available to those with the
appropriate abilities. When your PC is MOUNTed, they will need to select
from the speeds appropriate for their steed, rather than for themselves.

* A human run is equivalent to a horse's trot. Fly matches pace with gallop.

* Speed 'sneak' can only be attained by using the command with that name.
It can not be set as a speed with the
'speed' command, and using that command
will cancel

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Fly Hide Load / Carrying Capacity
Mount Stamina
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