Online Help

Helpfile Formatting Notes

* There are, generally, two kinds of helpfiles: reference entries and policy
entries. When a reference entry (
help murder) requires extensive policy
notes (
help pk), move them to a separate helpfile.

* Mask despises the term "code abuse" and its variants. Please avoid using it.
I believe the proper term would be "bug exploitation," instead.

* It's OK to include an apostrophe in a help title or keyword, but then
to refer to it you need to put it in quotation marks, e.g.:
hedit new Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue
is fine, but to edit it you will need to use
hedit "Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue"

* Where possible use British rather than American English

* Justify your help text (/j) before saving - where needed, add extra lines
to prevent lists and tables from being ruined, and check (
/l) the result
before saving.

* Where possible, keep each individual helpfile to under twenty lines

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Sample Help File - Formatting and Color Example
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