Online Help

Sample Help File - Formatting and Color Example

Where applicable, begin helpfile with a syntax example in this form:
Syntax: command <'argument1'> ['argument2'] [argument3]
* Put <> around required arguments
* Put [] around optional arguments
* Indicate where quotes are needed by placing them into syntax line
If a skill is used automatically:
Syntax: Automatic
If a feat, skill, or command has prerequisites, list them in cyan below this:
Prerequisites: Code Council Apprenticeship

}70} Grey for normal help text
}D0} Violet in command line syntax
}B0} Yellow for terms subsequently defined in a list, as in
'help list of languages', and for subheadings, as in this helpfile.
}F0} 'Bright white with quotes' to delimit commands within help text
}E0} Cyan to highlight, including other key terms with help available
* a cyan asterisk before normal comments
* a yellow asterisk before general cautionary statements
* a red asterisk before dire warnings, of the sort that
amount to "If you do this, you will die/get a strike!"

* Avoid using the word "the" at the start of a keyword phrase.

* To delete a helpfile, HSET its level to 99

Notes: See the link on Helpfile Formatting Notes

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