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Isaldur Redleaf, Bard of Milil

High Bard? One might ask how that fop of a man could even dress 
himself in the morning much less attain such a title. Born the
bastard son of a farmer near Neverwinter, he had all of two weeks
wih his mother before she vanished out of his life, most likely to
the retreat. His father, a soft spoken man raised Isaldur to the
best of his abilities. This however could not give way to the fact
that Isaldur was a terrible dreamer who would rather run off to the
nearest tavern with hopes of seeing a bard play than help bring in
the season's harvest. One could only speculate at the many reasons
why he would seperate with his family, but common rumour has it
that he is still on good terms with them. Notorious for his crude
comments and lecherous past, many find his dry humour to be
overbearing much of the time. Thus far only a quick tongue and
a sharp wit have kept him alive, while a fine singing voice has
kept him clothed and fed.

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