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Lord of Song Holy symbol : A silver harp holy symbol  

Dogma: "Life is a song: Strive always to make it more beautiful. Destory no
music nor instrument, nor stop a singer before the tune is done. Listen to
the world around as well as filling it with you own sound. One singer's music
is; another's noise, and musicianship always. Sing to Milil everyday. Music
is the most precious thing folks can create--so encourage its training, use,
and preservation at all times and in all possible ways. Awaken a love of song
in all folks you can, and offer its performance freely around campfire or on
the trail. Cease not in your own seeking for new tunes, new techniques, and
new instruments to master."

* Milil is an uncoded deity. Characters who follow uncoded deities get none
of the coded benefits or perks that characters who follow coded gods would
receive. Please see the helpfile for 'uncoded deities' for more information.

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