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Kylun Wolfang, Ranger of the Moon and Former Warden

Brought up in the forest close to Silverymoon this elf doesn't know much
about his past. With his pale skin and silvery-white colour hair, Kylun
has come to believe he is a moon elf or at least part. Accepted into the
wild elf clan in Tethyr by helping there forest in a time of need, Kylun
has come to learn more of himself and his fellow elves. A lost elf in a
large realm, Kylun heard tales of the lady Selune guiding the lost to
where they belong and he found himself following her ever since. Brought
up in forest and around wild life Kylun naturally became a ranger and
found himself doing a few seasons as the Warden and helping the young
rangers in the way of the forest.

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