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Lacie Roffle, Luckbringer of Tymora

Born first on a small farm outside of Shadowdale was Lacie. 
Neither parent was prepared for what happened next, though, as Lacie's
mother was unexpectedly expecting twins! As if by Tymora's own hand,
Cacie arrived not long after her sister, and the twins' parents knew
that they were lucky beyond compare to be blessed with two healthy
babies who looked exactly alike, save one little thing.

As the twins grew older, Lacie found herself being the slower of
the two. While not out of shape by any means, Lacie struggled to keep
up with her sister in the feats of daring-do she quickly accomplished.
Cacie, after all, was by far the fastest to replace the dog's food
with pig slop, and she was even more so when it came to snatching
hens' eggs. The more and more they got away with these acts while
avoiding punishment, the more they were pushed toward Tymora's faith
without realising it. They moved to Waterdeep the very day of their
sixteenth birthday, seeking the faith of Tymora in a much larger city.

While it was immediately clear to Cacie the path she took as a rogue,
Lacie was, at first, was completely unsure. She thought of trying to
keep up with her younger-but-not-by-much twin sister and following the
path of the rogue, but she knew it wouldn't turn out very well. She
found hope when she met the priests of Oghma in the City of Splendours
for the first time, and she realised that she could do similar duties
they did. As the sisters grew older, they both were fully accepted
into the Church of Luck; Cacie as a rogue, and Lacie as a priestess.
It has been many years since then, and the sisters have grown to know
that they did, indeed, follow the correct path. While Cacie's risky
lifestyle pleases the Lady highly, Lacie has been chosen by Tymora as
Her Luckbringer and has been given the task of watching over the faith
and guiding those new to the path of Luck.

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