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Luck (it is the one ability/stat that you can't see in your 'score')
represents the tendency of a character to succeed or prosper through chance
or good fortune. As in life, the exact extent of this factor remains and will
always remain shrouded in uncertainty...

Also as in life, however, it can be said with surety that its influence on a
character is pervasive. Though it affects some aspects of life here in a very
direct manner, it can affect nearly every aspect to at least a degree.

Please note that luck, unlike other stats cannot be trained at a trainer. It
has been decided that luck is a gift/curse from the goddesses of luck. The
only way to raise or lower luck is with the use of spells from these
goddesses or with equipment. The reason for our decision is it made no sense
for it to be trainable. Its not like doing strength exersises to raise
strength, or studying to raise your intelligence and so on.

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