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Rogues combine a few of the qualities of the other character
classes. Stealthy and possessing diverse skills, a rogue can
be a very handy member of an adventuring party. Rogues go on
to divide into two groups,
bards and thieves, and their most
important statistics are
dexterity (DEX) and luck (LCK).

Rogue Guilds:

* Bards are entertainers of all kinds. In Forgotten Kingdoms
bards have a performance role-play requirement.

* Thieves come in all shapes and sizes, using legerdemain to
advance their goals - even if those goals are just enriching
themselves! There is no role-play requirement for thieves.

* A rogue can only join one of the two guilds. A rogue loses
the skills gained in any guild if ejected.

* Rogues begin with one rank in armor proficiency.

Related topics...

Bards Classes Dexterity
Luck Sneak Attacks Thieves
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