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List of Craftable Weapons

What follows is a complete list of the weapons that may be produced by
player characters using the weaponsmithing (and sometimes other) trade(s):

Light (can be used in the off hand when dual wielding):
Knife, Dagger, Dirk, Handaxe, Mace, Main gauche, Short sword, Light Hammer
Sickle, Blackjack, Nunchaku, Tonfa

One handed:
Battle axe, Cutlass, Flail, Foil, Halfspear, Long sword, Morning star, Pick,
Rapier, Sabre, Scimitar, Warhammer, Club, Jo

Bastard (if properly sized, can be wielded with either one or two hands):
Bastard Sword, Broad Sword, Katana

Fullblade, Falchion, Halberd, Lance, Naginata, Trident, Greatsword, Scythe,
Greatclub, Quarterstaff, Lance

Ranged (require ammunition):
Short Bow, Long bow, Composite Bow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Sling,
Staff Sling

Bola, Boomerang, Shuriken, Dart, Javelin, Pilum, Harpoon

Arrowheads, Bullets

* Craftable weapons require different raw materials and trades expertise
to produce, which you will have to learn of and obtain ICly.

* Arrows for bows and crossbow bolts (quarrels) can be made from arrowheads
by those skilled in the fletching trade.

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