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Woodworking is the art of making useful objects and weapons out of wood. In
order to learn how to work wood a PC will need to do a quest to learn the
skill. The skill is not learned with the train command but only by quest.

Syntax: (disabled)construct container[box|scabbard|chest|crate] <woodobject>
construct weapon <weapontype> <woodobject> [size] [masterwork]
construct armor shield <woodobject> <shieldtype> [size] [masterwork]
construct armor h no arguments, will return a list of the types of
shields and armor that are within your skill level to construct.}

The options for containers are, in ascending order of difficulty: Boxes -
very small and can be closed, Crates - large and cannot be closed, Chests -
large and can be closed.

* Valid <weapontypes> include Blackjack, Club, 'Composite Bow',
Greatclub, 'Heavy Crossbow', Jo, Lance, 'Light Crossbow',
'Long Bow', Quarterstaff, 'Short Bow'

* Valid <shieldtypes> include 'Light Wooden Shield', 'Heavy Wooden Shield',
'Tower Shield'

* As indicated in the lists above, compound word weapon and shield
types must be entered in single quotes

* Valid [size] values are tiny, small, medium, large, huge, and gargantuan

* This trade now employs the new craft system. Please check the craft
helpfile for details.

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