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Micheal Urdo, Wavelord of Umberlee

Micheal was born into the House Urdo. He was the second oldest of six. He 
had an older brother and 4 younger sisters. Micheal did not like his
house much, nor did he like his father. He spent most of this time trying
to found a thieves guild in the city of Westgate. His father did not
appreciate this and was preparing the boy for the priesthood. Micheal ran
out of town after his guild was 'recruited' by the Night Masks. He left
town with only a small fortune and his favorite horse. He traveled around
the Dalelands searching for adventure and found some in Zhentil Keep. He
also found out that if you win five hands in a row you can be accused of
witchcraft and thrown out of town. Penniless and horseless he traveled
away from both his father, the Night Masks, and the Keep. He journey
from town to town living off the handouts from rich merchants daughters.

One night while earning his keep, he was rudely interrupted and chased
out of a window by a father. In his fall he lost his eye. Having only
the money to buy an eye patch, he bought what he thought was the most
fashionable and decided he should look for some luck. He heard of a
priest in Waterdeep named Caius that was starting a group of good rogues
to combat the evil done by evil guides. When Micheal got to Waterdeep and
started his following of Tymora, he found that Waterdeep was not the life
for him. He did build up enough courage and luck to decide to try to go
to the Keep and steal his horse back. He didn't bring enough luck and was
killed and eaten by tribe of Thri-kreens in the Anauroch. Micheal
traveled the lands of the dead for a long time. He witnessed the changes
that the new Lord of Death brought about from his favorite ethereal pub.

One day he was approached by a messenger from the Temple of Umberlee.
They noted his family name and the fact that his father still wished to
put one child in a faith. They warned that if he did not come back, that
is his father would give Micheal's youngest sister over to the Church of
Umberlee. Micheal agreed to come back and be a priest in exchange for
the safety and prosperity of his family. When Micheal came back to
consciousness one year had passed in the realms of the living. Because
the Priests that made the deal with him could not resurrect his soul,
they instead placed his soul in a new body. Micheal's new body was not as
quick as his old one, but it was stronger. He found that some tings had
not changed with his body, he was still handsome, and he still bore the
scar of his missing eye, but there was one large difference. The priests
knowing he would try to get out of the deal, gave him an evil aura.

Micheal was placed in charge of collecting tithes in the City of
Waterdeep. When he returned to Waterdeep he found the place very
different. The streets were rampant with Paladins and Squires. Although
at first Micheal tried to be a good priest, eventually the poor treatment
he received in the city drove him to be exactly what the Church wanted.
Micheal had many adventures and lived an exciting life, but at night when
he sleeps he doesn't dream of conquests or riches. He dreams of dead
friends and a life that he will never see.

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