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Fire-eyes, The Mighty One, The High Chieftain, The Battle Lord
Holy symbol - A bloodied battle axe
Worshippers Allowed Alignments - Chaotic, evil, or both
Allies of the Faith - The goblin pantheon
Enemies of the Faith - All non-goblinoids
Domains - Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and Trickery

Maglubiyet (May-GLU-bee-yet) is the supreme deity of the goblins and
hobgoblins, and governs all aspects of life for both races, particularly
war and rulership. Maglubiyet is universally hated outside of the goblin
pantheon that he leads. He has a well-known rivalry with the orcish god
Gruumsh, the two having much in common.

* Maglubiyet is an uncoded deity. Characters who follow uncoded deities get
none of the coded benefits or perks that characters who follow coded gods
would receive. Please see the helpfile for 'uncoded deities' for more

Many thanks to Trieste for writing this helpfile!

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Uncoded deities
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