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Mazikeen Wormheart of Talos

   Mazikeen Wormheart hails from the seedy streets of Calimport. Born a
bastard, her mother kept and cared for her until she was just five years of
age. Her father was never involved in her life, nor is it clear who he is. At
age four her mother was exiled from the City for a supposed attempt on the
king's life. She began her search for a new beginning in the depths of
Skullport, many miles from her former life, and whatever past she had there.
Mazikeen's history grows a bit muddled from this point, as she has never
spoken in detail of this period in her life. Speculation is that her mother
abandoned her soon after their arriving in Skullport. No record can be found
of her mother ever living in the Port of Skulls for more than a year.

The next time Mazikeen's name is found in public record is thousands of
miles to the East, in the Dales. In a small village, of no more than a dozen
and a half sheep herders, she is said to have joined with a priestess of what
would become great import. The world would know her as Khara, and several
years after she became the Stormherald. Mazikeen continued to rise with Khara
as a valued advisor, and trusted (albeit closely watched) ally. When Mazikeen
made her intent to serve the Stormlord known, it was clear that she would be
an important name within the Church. Since then, in the years that have
passed, she had risen to the rank of Stormspell, or the Archmagis of Talos. A
known Necromancer, she once headed the Circle of Rust and the Worm.

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