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The Destroyer, the Raging One, the Stormstar, the Storm Lord
Holy symbol: Three enamelled bolts of lightning on a chain
(Actual in-game symbols may vary slightly on this theme)
Cleric allowed alignments: CN, LE, NE, CE
Follower allowed alignments: LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE
Domains: Storms and Fire
Followers: Talassan(s)
Allies: See Relations of Talos
Enemies: See Relations of Talos
Current Faith Manager: Deity Managed

Talos (Tah-los) is the destructive force of nature. He is the god of storms,
forest fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, vortices, and all general
destruction. Chaos and rebellion are counted among his greatest delights.
Talos is also known as Bhaelros (in Calimshan), Kozah (in the Anauroch among
the Bedine), and Malyk (in the Underdark). He has taken many titles since
creation: of these, the most used are the Storm Lord, the Destroyer, the
Stormstar, and the Raging One. Talos lives on the plane known as Fury's Heart
with the rest of the Deities of Fury.

Followers of Talos may use their high favor to supplicate (see
for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are extremely holy, they
may ask for and receive artifacts of Talos.

Talos has a special order of wizards called the "Circle of Rust and the
Worm". It is comprised of mages of various schools of magic but is mostly

For more information on this deity we recommend:
* Please ignore all 4th edition and later information.

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Circle of Rust and the Worm - Talos Dogma of Talos Fire Domain
Fury's Heart Holy Symbol of Talos List of Deities
Mazikeen Wormheart of Talos Notable Names in the Faith of Talos Relations of Talos
Serving Talos Storms Domain Talassan Festivals and Ceremonies
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