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Fury's Heart

The Deities of Fury reside on the plain known as Furys Heart. It is commonly
compared to the Barrens of Doom and Despair, home to the likes of Bane,
Beshaba, Loviatar, and Talona. Both planes are filled by desolate landscapes,
little life and no redeeming qualities. Furys Heart is a turmoil of storms,
howling winds, crashing waves, biting blizzards and wild beasts. Where the
Barrens refuses to support life, Furys Heart actively seeks to crush it.

Furys Heart is an enormous expanse of wild terrain that stretches from the
frigid tundra of Aurils Winters Hall across Malars Land of the Hunt, to the
distant mountain range Pandesmos, where in the Towers of Ruin resides Talos
the Destroyer, and across the length, breadth and depth of the Blood Sea,
home of Umberlee, violent weather is the norm throughout the plane. The wind
is rarely below severe and storms are nearly constant.

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