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Serving Talos

The faithful of Talos are known as Talassans. Among the highest rank within
the church a Talassan can hope to attain is that of Stormlord. Stormlords are
the chief agents of the Destroyers wrath, inflicting destructive rampages
wherever they may wander to spread word of his endless fury. Talos only cares
that they call up a storm or engage in a spectacular act of violence ever
tenday or so.

Talos always has too few worshipers for his liking, so his clergy are sent
out into the world to spread word of his might and to try to recruit others
to his worship - either out of fear or because such people enjoy the wielding
of raw power.

Talassans pray for the Storm Lords blessings at different times of the day
over the course of the year, with the time varying with Taloss whim, herarely
has them stick with the same time of day for more than a tenday.

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