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Order of the Purple Dragon

A Cormyte military and civil order of chivalry, this order is bestowed upon
both military officers and others deemed worthy of the honor. It is often
conferred with military promotions (typically to the rank of Lionar). Many
Cormyrean nobles are also inducted by virtue of their birth. There are some
worthy adventurers inducted into the order for services rendered to Cormyr.
(This is an order only given by the Purple Dragon Throne itself!)

It is a great honor for any Cormyte to be made a Purple Dragon Knight, but
it is not limited only to natives. Foreigners are also sometimes inducted.
Purple Dragon Knights are employed as military commanders, envoys, and also
knights errant allowed to pursue their own agendas, but this is very rare.

Your player character (PC) may not role-play being a part of this order for
any reason except by approval of a special role-play request submitted into
the applications forum.

* More information about this topic is available at

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