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Purple Dragons

The Purple Dragons are the standing army of Cormyr.   The Lord High Marshal
of the Kingdom commands the army in practice, but King Azoun IV commands it
during times of war or whenever he deems it necessary. He is the official
leader. The king of Cormyr is known personally as the Purple Dragon and so
his soldiers have come to be known as Purple Dragons, or simply Dragoneers.
The army has more than 12,000 soldiers stationed primarily in major cities
and fortifications. Really a domestic, defensive army, the Purple Dragons
have adopted those tactics popular with many of their foes and are skilled
guerrilla fighters. They are mobile and fast, moving to exploit the enemy's
gaps and strike his centers of gravity.

Purple Dragon ranks and their rough, modern equivalents are:
Purple Dragon (Dragoneer), Private
First Sword, Sergeant
Swordcaptain, First Sergeant
Lionar, Lieutenant.

* Your player character (PC) must be approved to join this order and cannot
assume the role without staff approval.

* More information about this topic is available at

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