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Blue Dragons

The Blue Dragons are the Imperial Navy of Cormyr.  This force consists of a
core of between 2,500 and 3,000 trained sailors and approximately 25 ships.
Most of the ships (14), including the venerable Crown of Cormyr and Dragon,
are kept at Suzail's port. The others are spread between the Inner Sea port
Marsember, the smaller outpost at Dawngleam, and patrols against piracy. It
is common for
Purple Dragon commanders at ports to oversea forces comprised
of both Purple and Blue Dragon troops.

* Your player character (PC) must be approved to join this order and cannot
assume the role without staff approval.

* The following sourcebooks offer more information:
Haddock, Eric. Cormyr. Lake Geneva: TSR, 1994.
Greenwood, Ed. Volo's Guide to Cormyr. Lake Geneva: TSR, 1995.

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Cormyr Dawngleam Purple Dragons
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