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Order of the Ruby Rose - Sune

The church of Sune has a small affiliated order of paladins, fighters,
and bards who serve to guard temples and holy sites along with the
clergy. They also sometimes pursue quests or do good works
in Sune's name to promote her faith. To become one of the Sisters
and Brothers of the Ruby Rose, a candidate stands vigil in a church
of Sune all night. If the Lady Firehair appears to the candidate
in a vision during the night or somehow shows her favor, the
candidate is admitted to the order.

Members of this order are given to writing essays and songs of
courtly love when not engaged in vital business, and often adopt
a beatufiul individual to adore from afar whether that individual
would be flattered by such attentions or not.

* Paladins who wish to join this order are eligible to apply
for membership six months after their adoubement. Others who
are eligible and wish to join should apply after seeking out
any active PC members for guidance.

* You cannot role-play as a member without Sune's approval.

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