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Lady Firehair, the Lady of Love, the Princess of Passion
Holy symbol -
A beautiful woman's head holy symbol
Domains - Charm and Protection
Allies - Lliira, Selune, Sharess, Milil, Lathander
Enemies - Talos, Auril, Umberlee, Malar, Talona
Followers - Sunite(s)
Follower alignments - LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Cleric alignments - LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Faith Manager: Deity Managed

Sune is the goddess of beauty, love, and passion. To a follower of Sune,
beauty is more than a physical factor. Anything beautiful is undoubtedly good,
while anything ugly is undoubtedly evil. To a Sunite, beauty radiates from
within, and this is what they base the alignment of a being on. If someone is
beautiful yet notoriously evil, there must be some good that they are doing.

Followers of Sune may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they
are extremely holy, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Sune.

For more information on this deity we recommend:;
Please ignore any 4th edition and later information.

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Charm Domain Dogma of Sune Faria Willowsong - Heartwarder of Sune
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