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Faria Willowsong - Heartwarder of Sune

A kind spirit, Faria Cadence is better known to give her own clothing to
those in need than to utter a nasty word. She loves everyone she meets,
quick to smile and befriend people, striking up conversation with even the
most unlikely of people, pure and less than pure alike. Her tender heart
goes out to everyone equaly,never turning away from any but the rare,
hateful soul.

Faria was born the only heir to the Cadence family name in the city of
Waterdeep. Her father, Rhyan Cadence, was a wandering bard, learning what
he could from different parts of the world. Her mother, Marie, stayed home
and taught Faria the best she could between Rhyan's trips. As any typical
child, Faria hated her studies, finding the bardic topic boring and
uninteresting, but went with it anyway since it was all she knew, having
no time to make childhood friends.

At the age of fourteen, since she did not seem to want to follow in the
footsteps of Cadences long past into bardom, Faria was forced into an
arranged marriage with a merchant's son "for her own good". This did not
end well, as her groom-to-be was spoiled and had a terrible temper and
was prone to striking her. The arrangement did not last, of course, when
one night he was over come with a drunken rage and beat Faria, cracking
the back of her head against a stone fireplace and nearly killing her.
Luckily, a watchman on patrol heard the commotion and came to inspect,
dragging the man off to the dungeons and summoning a healer.

After this, Faria went with her parents and moved to Baldur's Gate, but
this was short lived as she decided that it would be best for her to seek
her own fortune and begin her life. At the age of sixteen, she returned
to the city of her birth and just seemed to float. Trying to avoid becoming
a bard, but knowing little else, she recited poetry in taverns to keep
herself fed and lived a less than honorable life.

She kept this up until her eyes were opened up to true love by one man, and
that is when her life changed for the better. She attended the Lady's College
in Silverymoon and finally became a bard not long before her parents took ill
and called her away, eventually passing away. Having emptied their coffers
in an attempt to be cured, they left their only child with nothing, causing
Faria to throw herself into her work.

It wasn't until long after her parents death that she began to really think
about life and religion, and it was not long before her friend Paige, who
later became Heartwarder, introduced her to Sune. It wasn't hard for Faria
to fall into the Sunite mindset, taking to it with ease.

Since then, she gave birth to a son, Darien Cadence, who now is the Cadence
heir, built a concert hall in Waterdeep, and published a fair score of books.
It was some few years after the birth of her son that her teacher and friend,
Heartwarder Paige, surprised Faria by passing on the title to Faria unexpectedly.
Since then, she has worked with Sunites old and new in an effort to fill her
predecessor's shoes, ever wary that she may never live up to the Heartwarder

Some years later, the Heartwarder herself found love in a Mystran ranger
by the name of Gorwin Willowsong. They were married and gave Darien a sister
named Alyssia Willowsong. Faria still writes under the name of Cadence.

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