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Syntax: questjournal [local|failed|finished|progress

The questjournal command shows you the quests that you have undertaken in
the game. Putting in one of the arguments above shortens the list to fit
the criteria you enter. These are mostly self-explanatory, but
should be highlighted as it is very useful once your PC has done many things.
This argument will show only those quests currently in progress by your PC.

QLOG and QUESTLOG also work as shorter versions of this command.

* We now believe that we've set up QLOG entries for almost all quests in
the game. If you find one that doesn't generate QLOG entries, please report it
to us (in the Bug Reporting forum) so we can bring it up to speed. Thanks!

* Log entries are color coded: in progress (blue), complete (bright green),
trades (
yellow), failed (red), knowledge (dark green), or other/miscellaneous (white).

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