Online Help


Quests are divided into two types:  Those that are area driven and those
that are immortal driven. The area driven ones tend to be able to be
done by many or all characters, but the immortal driven ones only happen
at certain times, and often only once.

Quests may involve anything from a scavenger hunt, to solving riddles,
to killing mobs that threaten the Kingdoms. Quests are an excellent way to
meet other players, and enhance roleplaying throught the realm.

Different quests will result in different rewards. Sometimes an area
driven quest will generate a random reward. Immortal driven quest
rewards are up to the discretion of the immortal running the quest.

Do not ask when the next immortal run quest will be, or if there
is a quest. Just pay attention to what is going on around you.
If something out of the ordinary is going on, there's a good chance
it might be a quest. If a major quest is planned often it will be
announced on the discussion board for interested players.

If you have an idea for a quest, or a special object then you are encouraged
to submit it to the applications forum. The builders admin team is always
looking for new objects and quests to implement.

Related topics...

Glory Questjournal Resetting quest bits
Sharing Quest Information
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