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Syntax: smote <text> ['speech'] 

Smote is a customized expression of emotions or actions. It works like the
EMOTE command, with two additions.

Firstly, it allows you to refer to other characters and have the correct
name, pronoun or adjective appear to other characters in the room, depending
on whether they have been greeted or not. To do this, place a $ in front of
the name.

For example, Mystra types:

smote pats $tyr on the head.

Tyr will see this as:

Mystra pats you on the head.

Others in the room who have been greeted by Tyr will see:

Mystra pats Tyr on the head.

Those that have not been greeted will see:

Mystra pats a tall male human on the head.

Secondly, it allows speech to be interspersed with actions, in a way that
correctly reflects languages the same way as SAY and SAYTO. To do this,
simply include the spoken text inside single or double quotes, for example:

smote pats $tyr on the head, saying 'Good boy!'

In this case, "Good boy!" will be scrambled for those that don't understand
the language that the speaker is speaking.

Note that if the text includes apostrophes, you will need to use double
quotes, for example:

smote looks confused and says, "I don't understand"

Smote should not be used to describe events other than those happening at the
time, or used to indicate your PC's thoughts. Smotes should not explain why
your PC is doing what they are doing, unless it truly would be visible.

An example of an inappropriate smote:

smote has a new book. She's got it in her bag. Ergo she is happy and beams
towards you, head bobbing a greeting. "Evening m'lord."

An example of an appropriate use of smote in the same situation:

smote looks happy and beams towards you, head bobbing a greeting. "Evening

* Note that smote should be used anytime verbal communication is used. Using
emote in these situations (in order to avoid the language scrambling
function) could be considered cheating.

* Because smote can be readily used even without a spoken component, we
encourage you to use smote in place of emote in all situations.

* Characters may smote while hidden, and their smotes will appear as "Someone"
to any character who has not spotted them. If you have not spotted a hidden
character, you should not react ICly to their smotes (for example, by
suddenly becoming "suspicious" that someone is hiding in the room).

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