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Talamar D'Ken, Battlemage of Mystra

Born of House D'ken, a very minor branch of the Moonflower clan, 
Talamar embraced his magical nature at an early age. He showed a
natural aptitude for magic as do most elves, and followed this path
whole-heartedly. Talamar grew up in Silverymoon, his parents two
moon elf traders who traveled all over the North before settling down
in Alustriel's city. Talamar originally thought to become an invoker
and help defend other goodly races against evil such as the frequent
orc hordes that ravaged the North. As he delved deeper into the study
of magic, he began to change his mind and found the path of a Mage to
be more suited to his outlook. Magic for itself was a prize greater
than he could have dreamed, and this became his focus in life. As he
studied, he began to also learn of Mystra, goddess of Magic, and it
was her he devoted most of his beliefs to, as his prowess of Art
became greater.

Talamar eventually became an adventurer, to help progress in both his
magical studies, and to embrace life more fully. To this end he
journeyed to Waterdeep, the City of Splenders, and there is where he
met Tandria Sandail. Tandria, also a Mage devoted to Mystra, helped
Talamar learn more of both Art and Goddess, along with help from
Lunette and Kladian Sandail. It was not long before Talamar began to
fall in love with Tandria. A few years, and not a few adventures
together, later Talamar and Tandria were married. To this day,
Talamar can often be found in Waterdeep, training apprentices with
his wife Tandria, or helping others to find their way to Mystra.

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