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The Lady of Mysteries, the Mother of All Magic
Holy symbol: a star ringed river holy symbol
Domains: Magic and Illusion
Cleric allowed alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, CN
Follower allowed alignments: All non-evil alignments
Followers: Mystran(s)
Allies: Kelemvor, Selune, Oghma, Azuth, Deneir, Milil
Corellon Larethian, Isis, and Thoth
Enemies: Cyric, Bane, Talos, Shar
Faith Manager: Deity Managed

Mystra (MISS-trah) is the goddess of magic and possibilities,
which makes her one of the most powerful deities in Faerun. Her portfolio
consists of magic, spells, and the weave. In Rasheman she is referred to
as "The Hidden One".

Mystra is said to have trained the first of the spellcasters in the realms,
and judges each new spell and magical item created to determine whether it
should be permitted into the realms. She makes her home in Dweomerheart, in
the plane of Elysium.

Followers of Mystra may use their high favor to supplicate (see help supplicate)
for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are extremely favored,
they may ask for and receive artifacts of Mystra. Mystra favours those of her
followers who use magic to aid others, and those who smite down the followers of
Cyric. She frowns upon sacrifices and defiling the dead, and is unimpressed
with those who flee from followers of Cyric.

For more information on this deity we recommend: Please ignore any 4th edition and later information.

In FK, the Mystran faith will NOT accept any evil followers.

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Dogma of Mystra History of Mystra Holy symbol of Mystra
Illusion Domain List of Deities Magic Domain
Mystran Festivals and Ceremonies Notable Names in the Faith of Mystra Relations of Mystra
Serving Mystra Sponsored Orders of Mystra
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