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Mystran Festivals and Ceremonies

Starflight is a ceremony that is often used as an initiation when an individual
joins the priesthood, or a celebration when two worshipers are wed. It is a
special ceremony that involves the casting of Starflight empowering those under
its blessings to fly.

Magefire is a celebration of renewal, it is held on the first day of winter in
memory of a time when the realms were nearly destroyed during the Rain of Fire
cataclysm. It is a bittersweet remembrance, but its outcome is what is celebrated.

15th of Marpenoth is celebrated among the Mystran church as the anniversary of
the day the wizard Midnight was elevated by Lord Ao and became the current Mystra.
It is mostly celebrated in Waterdeep as a large festival ending in fireworks
around the House of Wonder.

Hymn of the Lady is a ritual that is performed at funerals and magemoots. Visions
of the dead are called up into and often times the goddes inserts into them her
own guiding scenes.

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