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Dogma of Mystra

Love magic for itself, not lust as a ready weapon to reshape the realms
to your will. Learn when not to use your magic, and you will have learned
true wisdom. Play with magic and learn how best to wield it, but not when
the price is paid by others. Strive to use magic less and less as your powers
develop, not more and more, often the threat and promise of art outstrips its

Remember always that magic is an art, the gift of the Lady, and that whose who
can wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly.

Use magic deftly and efficiently, eschew carelessness and recklessness in unle-
ashing the art. When magic imperils you, hide it or hurl it away into other
planes rather than destroy it, for any destruction of art is a sin.

Seek always both to learn new magic and to create new magic, but experimenting
to learn to craft something oneself is better than merely buying scrolls or
hiring tutors. Exult more in creation than in hurling of spells, and ensure your
creations are shared with others and so outlive you.

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