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Teacher Feat

This feat allows you to teach others more about the things you know than you
would otherwise, and also lowers the level of mastery required of you before
you can teach something, provided your charisma is sufficient to make use of

* This feat may be taken twice.

* To benefit from the first rank in this feat requires at minimum 14
charisma. Taking it the first time allows you to begin teaching others when
you are only adept, or nearly so, and allows you to teach skills that you
have grandmastered up to novice, provided your charisma is sufficient.

* To benefit from taking this feat a second time requires 15 charisma. With
two ranks in this feat and sufficient charisma, you can begin teaching skills
when you are an apprentice, and can teach skills you have grandmastered up to
the Journeyman level.

* This feat has no other feats as pre-requisites.

* The check associated with this feat is on your base (natural) charisma

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