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Tier Breche

All drow of note will attend this academy for a minimum of ten years.
Located in the northern part of Menzoberranzan up on a rise this academy
is comprised of three schools.

* The first is the most important, Arach Tinilith, a spider shaped building
that teaches drow females all about their goddess Lloth. The females
graduate from the academy as priestesses. Arach Tinilith also holds a
temple to Lloth.

* The second building of import is the Sorcere, which surprisingly
in this matriarchal society only accepts male drow into its exclusive folds.
Any male drow showing an apptitude for magic can expect to spend many years
training in this large spire.

* The third building is a squat piramid shaped building which is called
Melee Magthere, the academy of fighting. All drow in Tier Breche will spend
at least a year in this building learning the art of fighting, but there are
many drow males who will spend ten years here honing the art of fighting for
which drow are reknowned.

Area created by Blythe.

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