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Zasheir Dumein, Luckpriest

As a quarter-Elven child, Zasheir had a hard time fitting in.  He didn't
really know what to do with himself and, unfortunately, neither did his

His father had enough influence around Silverymoon to get Zasheir all
sorts of opportunities with professionals to get a feel for what he
wanted to do with his life. He tried working with masons, tailors,
whitesmiths, librarians, armorers, cooks, bowyers, artists, priests,
carpenters, innkeepers, bakers, swordsmiths, scribes, barristers,
shipwrights, messengers, porters, shepherds, mages, weavers,
blacksmiths, merchants, dungsweepers, musicians, butlers, animal
handlers, sailors, wheelers, hunters, leather workers, and even a
weapons master of the Knights of Silver.

However, with the exception of his brief apprenticeship under a
barrister, each opportunity was met with a failure that was almost
always born of Zasheir's inability to stay focused on the task at hand.
Just when his parents were finally ready to give up, Zahsier suddenly
seemed to take a keen interest in what the Tymoran priests of Fortune
Hall had to say. He started making daily visits to the temple, visits
that outlasted his previous records several times over.

After about a month of this, he had a fateful meeting with the more
adventurous members of Lady Luck's church, including the famed Roffle
twins. The very next day, he left Silverymoon for the first time,
looking to inspire others with his new-found faith in the goddess of
good fortune as Her newest priest.

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