Online Help

Lost Limbs

It may come to pass that in the course of combat, you lose a limb (or two). 
This can be a grave situation indeed, particularly if you are alone.
However, if you can reach a priest or other healer, they will likely be able
to restore the lost limb.

If you are with others when you lose the limb, they will likely need to 'aid'
you, to staunch the bleeding. If you are alone, you may or may not be able
to do this for yourself (you need both arms).

PC priests can restore your limbs using the regenerate spell, if they know
it. If you can't get aid in that manner, you will need to resort to an NPC
priest, who will expect a donation to his or her deity in thanks for their

NPC priests will explain the healing spells they have available in response
to the
'heal' command. To ask them to restore your lost limbs, use the
'heal' command to determine the donation required to the healer's church
in order to have them perform the sacred rite. With coin in your inventory,
issue the command
'heal limbs'.

* Make certain that it is IC for your character to make a donation to the
church of the healer in question!

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