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The Code

A paladin's specific code and restrictions will vary between faiths and
then, within faiths, it will vary between orders, but there are some
aspects of the code that all PC paladins in Forgotten Kingdoms must
follow. The paladin class is demanding and difficult to role-play, but
the strict code of behavior is the balance for the holy powers given to
paladins in the game.

Failure to follow this code will result in temporary or permanent loss
of paladin status or other appropriate punishment assigned by player
character (PC) members of the paladin's own church, other lawful good
PCs and NPCs in authority over them, or the paladin's deity. The
paladin may only be absolved through appropriate atonement and genuine

The eight cardinal values of all paladins in Forgotten Kingdoms are:
Courtesy. A paladin is courteous to friend and foe alike.
Honor. A paladin conducts himself with honor.
Valor. A paladin displays moral and physical courage at all times.
Honesty. A paladin will never knowingly lie.
Humility. A paladin is a servant of others and a servant of her god.
Industry. A paladin will work always to improve herself.
Generosity. A paladin will always give to those in true need.
Chastity. A paladin is modest and pure of heart.

*Note: Paladins are no longer all restricted from marriage or from
carrying more than ten magical items. There is also no longer any
uniform tithe, but every paladin will have restrictions and special
requirements imposed by their church and order.

Adhering to the paladin's code is fraught with difficulty. It may
prove difficult for a paladin to remain humble with all of the many
advantages that the blessings of his or her god grant and the paladin
will face reactions ranging from suspicion and resentment to hero-
worship, but very few will understand the paladin's strict lifestyle
even if they avoid personal pitfalls. Still, a paladin must strive
to remain true to his or her ethos and lead others by example at all
times despite all of the difficulties.

A paladin should not feel limited by the code. Just because he or she
will eschew lying or cheating or the use of poison does not mean that
they will not employ subtlety. They still remain shrewd leaders and
elite warriors who should feel free to seek combat (or avoid it!)
honorably on favorable ground. e.g. An ambush against an enemy's flank
is not a dishonest tactic, but an acceptable one used to save the lives
of comrades in combat.

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