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Lath'lain Dy'nesir, General of the Ebon Spur

Lord Lath'lain Dy'nesir, a moon elf, is the current General of the Ebon Spur
and a devout follower of The Dark Sun. While the years before he turned to
the service of the God of Lies are kept intentionally vague at best, it is
said that his faith was slowly secured through manipulation following a
series of unprecedented tragedies, not least of which being his unplanned and
brutal return to life from Arvador - the elven afterlife - against his will.

Said to enjoy fine culture, cuisine and poetry, he lives on his estate in
Zhentil Keep. It is from here that Cyric's army, The Ebon Spur, train and
operate under his discerning and unforgiving eye. An accomplished horseman
himself, General Dy'nesir is said to be every bit the superior of his army's
finest - though his direct approach is often in diplomacy and movements of
the court.

His position at the head of Cyric's church is well cemented now after many
years of intrigue and internal politics. It has been observed that the Church
itself has become significantly less fractured under his careful guidance,
making it possibly more dangerous than ever since Cyric's ascension to
godhood. Lord Dy'nesir's service and loyalty were rewarded in recent days by
his promotion to 'Spur Lord' under Cyric, marking him as a chosen leader
within the church.

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