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Zarafae, Bane of Waterdeep

The exact circumstances of Zarafae's birth and early life remain unknown.
That she grew up in Skullport is not disputed, but the exact circumstances
of her early life are nebulous and prone to changing every time she answers
the question. A half-drow in equal measures, it is unknown whether her
father or mother was Drow, or indeed whether they are still alive. While
female Drow-male Human couplings are far more rare than the reverse, her
induction into the church of Lolth is anomalous, and something of a
testament to the strength she showed. She admits to spending a great deal
of time in the city of Shimmering Webs, Ched Nasad, a secure and well-known
path to which she was the first to open. She then traveled to the holy city
of Lolth, Menzoberranzan to study with the priestesses of Arach-Tinilith,
though she did not complete the standard five-decade course of study, leading
some of her fellow Priestesses to conclude that her devotion to the faith was
less than complete. Upon departing Menzoberranzan, she made her way to the
surface and from a base in Zhentil Keep, began a campaign of terror the
likes of which the surface has rarely seen.

A foe of order, compulsion and any form of stultifying authority, Zarafae
has striven to destroy the social order which she considers coddling of the
weak and pathetic. While once she preached Lolth's doctrine of strength and
survival of the fittest to all who would listen, finding little support for
the induction of humans, Elves and other races into her faith from any parties
including her own church, she determined that her most useful position would
be as a singular example of a truly free individual acting to free others
from the shackles of what she considers tyranny. That tyranny is best
exemplified by the city of Waterdeep and those individuals representing the
City Watch. Zarafae is well-known for populist decrees relating to the city,
specifically any authority they attempt to exert outside of their bounds, as
well as what she considers their hypocritical laws. Waging war against the
city, Zarafae has almost single-handedly kept the entire western lands in a
state of chaos, attacking any who would dare to speak out against her. Perhaps
her most infamous characteristic is the seriousness with which she takes any
threat against her life. Even minor or casual statements that she would be
injured, killed or punished for her deeds have resulted in the stalking, hunting
and death of many of the most powerful persons in the realms.

Zarafae is no lone wolf however, and has always cultivated strong alliances
with Mazikeen of Talos, General Lathlain Dy'nesir, the Orcish hordes and the
churches of Shar, Mask and Malar. She is rumored to work closely with the
Zhentarim and has maintained relations with many of the most powerful denizens
of the Underdark such as the merchant Duranamir. Her primary foes are those
who organize themselves under the banners of the Rangers, for they seek to
bring some order and control to the wild places of the world, as well as the
churches of Torm, Tyr and Ilmater who represent what she considers a stifling
and unnecessary lawfulness. The Waterdeep City Watch is known to have orders
to attempt to kill her on sight should she infiltrate the city, and her brief
imprisonment in the city is the only instance where she is known to have been
subdued or captured. She is known to be without mercy, pity or remorse. She is
relentless in her pursuit of her targets, and has never been above indiscriminate
torture and murder of those even peripherally related to those she wishes to
harm. She seems to find pleasure in the random infliction of pain and extreme
caution should be taken when dealing with her for she seems to revel in all
that is evil.

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