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Sample objects - obects with magical applies
There are over 100 possible applies that can be applied to an object. Refer to the applies list for more information on what is availble and a short summary of what each one does. Below are many samples of the way to use just some of the applies. It should be noted that for skill applies that unless the character knows some of the skill in the first place, the item will not work. Due to abuse of the system we had to stop characters getting applies from skills they did not know.
#QQ12 perky green velvet hat~ {A0}a perky green velvet hat~ {A0}A perky green velvet hat lies here.~ ~ ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR FLAG_MAGIC CAN_WEAR_TAKE|CAN_WEAR_HEAD QUALITY_SUPERIOR MATERIAL_CLOTH COND_PERFECT SIZE_MEDIUM 0 0 LAYER_ARMOR ARMOR_TYPE_CLOTH 0 0 A APPLY_STEAL 1 A APPLY_PICK 1 E perky green velvet hat~ It is made of a green velvet ~
The hat above adds 1 to the steal and pick skills of the wearer.
#QQ13 large wedged boots~ {30}larged wedged boots~ {30}A pair of larged wedged boots lies here.~ ~ ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR FLAG_MAGIC CAN_WEAR_TAKE|CAN_WEAR_FEET QUALITY_SUPERIOR MATERIAL_LEATHER COND_PERFECT SIZE_MEDIUM 0 0 LAYER_ARMOR ARMOR_TYPE_LEATHER 0 0 A APPLY_HEIGHT 10 E larged wedged boots~ The soles of these boots are at least 10 inches high. ~
The boots above add 10 inches to the characters height.
#QQ44 tight white girdle~ {F0}a tight white girdle~ {F0}A tight white girdle lies here.~ ~ ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR FLAG_MAGIC CAN_WEAR_TAKE|CAN_WEAR_BODY QUALITY_SUPERIOR MATERIAL_CLOTH COND_PERFECT SIZE_MEDIUM 0 0 LAYER_UNDER ARMOR_TYPE_CLOTH 0 0 A APPLY_WEIGHT -20 E tight white girdle~ When worn this girdle will make it hard to breath but you will swear that you are at least 10 pounds lighter. ~
The girdle above takes 20 pounds off the characters weight (not the weight the character can hold). This kind of thing could be handy for characters who want to get rides on other larger characters.
#QQ35 light hand crossbow distance~ {70}a light hand crossbow~ {70}A light hand crossbow lies on the ground here.~ ~ ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON FLAG_MAGIC CAN_WEAR_TAKE|CAN_WEAR_HOLD QUALITY_SUPERIOR MATERIAL_OAK COND_PERFECT SIZE_SMALL 0 0 0 WEAPON_TYPE_LIGHT_CROSSBOW 0 0 A APPLY_RANGE 1 E light hand crossbow~ It is of superior construction and tightly wound. It appears to be made of oak. ~
The crossbow above will shoot 1 room further than a normal one.
#QQ76 helmet hardened mud~ {30}a helmet of hardened mud~ {30}A helmet of hardened mud lies here.~ ~ ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR FLAG_MAGIC CAN_WEAR_TAKE|CAN_WEAR_HEAD QUALITY_SUPERIOR MATERIAL_STONE COND_PERFECT SIZE_MEDIUM 0 0 LAYER_ARMOR ARMOR_TYPE_SPLINT_MAIL 0 0 A APPLY_AFFECT AFF_DETECT_BURIED E helmet hardened mud~ {30}Pressed into the mud are crude runes. ~
The helmet above is affected with the affect of detect buried. This means the wearer can see things that are buried.
#QQ17 large halberd gluttony~ {70}a large halberd~ {70}A large halberd lies on the ground here.~ ~ ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON FLAG_MAGIC CAN_WEAR_TAKE|CAN_WEAR_HOLD QUALITY_SUPERIOR MATERIAL_STEEL COND_PERFECT SIZE_LARGE 0 0 0 WEAPON_TYPE_HALBERD 0 0 A APPLY_WEAPONSPELL_ONE SPELL_CREATE_FOOD E halberd large~ There is an unusual rune on the handle of the halberd. ~
The halberd above will have a 10% chance of creating food when it hits in battle.