Helpfile Changes!

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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Jeanne » Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:59 pm

Made a bunch of helpfile changes that are pending.

Stopped because I wanted to be sure I was still doing it properly, as these changes were more extensive than the previous ones :)
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Tamryn » Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:00 am

HIDE, SMOTE: I have added notes to both of these regarding smoting while hidden. Specifically, that hidden characters should only smote things they could reasonably do while hidden, and conversely, that characters should not react ICly to smotes from hidden characters they can't see.

FAITH: I have rewritten this to be a bit more useful to those likely to be reading it (people looking to join a faith). I have also deleted FAITH LIST (set its level to 99) and merged the warning it contained about IC information into FAITH.
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Tamryn » Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:50 am

MENTAL STATE: Removed old text about it being displayed in SCORE and instead mentioned it's now displayed in AFFECT. Also baddlinked 'mental state' <> 'affected by'.

RESISTANCE: Removed the words used to describe resistances ("average", "good", etc.) as they are no longer used.

However, I think there is some confusion between resistance and damage reduction in the help files. Many spells listed as giving "resistance" (proportional reduction in damage) actually give DR (absolute reduction of X hit points of damage).

Do any spells, objects, racial abilities or whatever exist that give "resistance" as described in the help file? If so, what are they? (I will update the help file again once this is clear, if necessary.)
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Raona » Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:01 am

Tamryn wrote:However, I think there is some confusion between resistance and damage reduction in the help files. Many spells listed as giving "resistance" (proportional reduction in damage) actually give DR (absolute reduction of X hit points of damage).

Do any spells, objects, racial abilities or whatever exist that give "resistance" as described in the help file? If so, what are they? (I will update the help file again once this is clear, if necessary.)
There used to be, but on going back through and looking at them again the ones I checked are all now damage reductions. The spell resistance gives a bonus to saves, so that is a second meaning, but not the one in the Reistance helpfile. Spell resistance is also a different beast altogether. However, the playerbase will know much better than I if anyone is still seeing any of the old-school damage resistances (% of damage nullified, rather than the first n hitpoints) still in place!
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Raona » Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:55 am

Added a note to HELP CLIMB indicating that the right tools for the job can make you more effective with this skill.

Also added a note to DISARM to explain how the weapon type plays into the calculations.
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Orplar » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:59 am

to the above,

Should an indication of stance be indicated here as well? To clarify, wielding a one handed weapon, versus a two handed one?
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Raona » Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:42 pm

Orplar wrote:to the above,

Should an indication of stance be indicated here as well? To clarify, wielding a one handed weapon, versus a two handed one?
Good point - tried to clarify!
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Algon » Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:30 pm

Was pointed out this morning that there was not any information on the resetting quest bits file on where to send an application. Added a link from there to the applications file.
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Althasizor » Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:14 am

To help alleviate some of the ASKs about it, I've added notes to the various weapon helpfiles(Double-edged blades, thrusting blades, etc.) about weapons that require the 'exotic weapon proficiency' feat.
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Tamryn » Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:32 pm

DUAL WIELD: Removed the example of a gnome dual-wielding a small-sized scimitar and a small-sized rapier (replaced the rapier with a small-sized short sword). A rapier is not a light weapon, so it would would need to be tiny-sized for a gnome to wield it in her off-hand.
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Althasizor » Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:24 pm

Edited most of the various wizard spell helpfiles to list what guild of wizards cannot cast them in a more uniform manner. Also changed HELP DELAYED BLAST FIREBALL (and I think a few others) to more accurately, if vaguely, describe the spell's function.


Edited the name of the HELP FLOATING DISK file to reflect the (correct) spelling used through the rest of the file.

Edited the listings in HELP TRANSMUTATION SPELLS to reflect a change in the names of some spells. Also added Bears Endurance and Mass Bears Endurance to the list and linked them. Also fixed some errors in a couple other HELP (spell sphere) SPELLS files.

Added links for the mass curing helpfiles(Mass heal, mass cure critical, etc.) between themselves and their lower level, single-target variants.
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Re: Helpfile Changes!

Post by Raona » Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:36 am

I am largely out of commission due to my teaching a full-on course this my heartfelt thanks to my fellow Code Council members who are really stepping up and keeping the improvements coming! There have been more than just those spelled out in this thread, too!
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