A possibility: global reset

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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Lathander » Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:42 pm

So, when the stat reset happens and the older players lose some points, they have already done the quests and gained the rewards for such......So go ahead and reduce their stats, they are can now reallocate and cut down on charisma and maybe INT because they have their skills high. They can focus on Con and whatever else their class demands now. The new player though, suffers. Sure we have the same stat points now, but we would need to make some serious and permanent sacrifices to our stats to get the charisma where we want it just so we can do quests or whatever other stat/situation you need to enjoy the mud.
Some excellent food for thought here. Thank you.
The point is that I am not going to be able to enjoy the mud to its fullest now, not be able to do all the quests and still be able to be a decent wizard, not be able to go fight orcs by myself etc.
I'm not sure I agree here, but it might be because I do not understand what you mean by "enjoy the mud to it's fullest." I think the mud can be enjoyed with or without the reset.
In fact, I will be forced to just sit in a room and train spells all day long, since there will be nothing else left to do unless the OCCASSIONAL group adventure comes along, which is very rare for me.
I understand your underlying point, however I think the specific thought is extremely overstated.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Belose » Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:57 pm

Well, I did get my doubts answered and I am not so worried anymore. After reading the posts, I thought I'd have to go spend all that time looking for trainers, and also not KNOWING or REMEMBERING where I put my glory to increase my stats, I wouldn't know where to put them now to make him like he was. I do know that I've had titanic from the get go, so I'm not worried about that..and Braeck isn't ugly any more, so there's that.. his experiences have led to his behavior and probably certain ruggedness making him look and act with more charisma. I have always ended up coping with the things that have happened in changes. Braeck lost a lot of everything he had somehow once when he got killed in the Halls. Needless to say, it was hard for anyone to rescue his corpse before whatever happend, happened..don't know if the NPC picked it up and it got juncked or what. He's had to live with it, including lost quest items. Like life, you have to live with things you can't fix, sometimes. I think Frannkin lost the most when he logged on, found everything on his horse had exploded into his inventory, got the horse to drop it, and THEN couldn't get it all loaded before the game crashed. And he lost just as much in a death situation because no one could help him.. hardly anyone on at the time who could..and I won't even go into how much con he's lost to reincarnating.. probably 3 points. Anyway.. Belose has also has been there. However, it was because he became a rat, and I figured it was best he just lose it all. So he took everything off, put it on his pony, and dismissed it and a cart FULL of potions... except for his holy symbol. So he voluntarily started all over again. And since I didn't just delete him, you'll notice he's still playing and earned new good stuff. So.. basically, I can cope. I always have, and I always will, because even when bad things happen, I STILL love playing this game, no matter what. But I still prefer 2nd edition. Those are mostly the only books I have for D&D. I think I STILL prefer it over all this new stuff. But I won't stop playing :wink:
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Julthain » Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:46 pm

A question as far as Constitution goes... I am not sure on the mechanics behind it, but say you have had a relatively good constitution score since creation which netted you a nice bit of hitpoints per level. If the stats were to be reset, wouldn't your hitpoints also have to be reset and recalculated depending on how many points you put into con?
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Nysan » Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:29 pm

I also would like to see a shift to number values on stats. Seeing 12, 16, and 18 instead of wise, brilliant, and healthy would do wonders in making such a character refresh easier to work under, even if it is for just a few days so players can apply the points generated by the reset.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Grafghur » Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:10 am

I haven't played in a little while (new addition to the family is taking all my time AND SLEEP) but was hoping to get back into the swing of things.

If this was up for a vote, I'm against it. A lot of work, time and effort went into creating some characters and not too sure I fully understand the need to equalize the player base. At best, I would suggest you give the player the option of going with a clean slate or staying as is.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Briek » Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:17 pm

Just thought to ask, is there an update on this? is glory still frozen?
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Brar » Sat May 08, 2010 11:49 pm

After reading all this long thread, I was wondering if it was still question about this.
Because coming back after all those years, I find that quite a good idea. Of course my char will loose a lot of stats but I don't give a shit about that. What I care more about is feats, and there are so much new ones and no more point to get them :(
And yeah, it sucks to be high level with all those new spells to learn :(

Or perhaps add a way to spend glory for feat again, I really want those two weapon fighting feats!!!

mode ranting off but I bumped the thred which is good anyway :)

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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Dustin » Fri May 21, 2010 3:00 pm

Has a final decision been made on the reset or whether or not to allow glory to be spent on stats? I've been away for a while and noticed this was bumped up again. I ask because I'm used to playing 2nd Ed. where Rangers and Paladins are high stat characters and if we can't make a character along what I invision one of those classes to look like then I'll want to make a mage instead.

Regardless of reset or no reset, please let me know when you know for certain if you're going to disallow trading glory for stats so I can decide which class to make next. Thank you.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Aldren » Fri May 21, 2010 3:54 pm

Please note the possibility of a global reset and the date it was posted, specifically the significance of this date.

As for glory exchange for feats and stats, I am under the impression that it has been removed to discourage quest-frenzying and doing quests just for their glory rewards, and ignoring the implications of completing said quests brings. I am all for using a different system for current glory, although my main character was one to spend his glory on stats and feats at the time.

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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Mask » Fri May 21, 2010 3:57 pm

There is no intention to have any kind of reset at any time for the forseeable future. There is no intention of every allowing glory to be traded for either feat or stat points. However, there are a number of discussions around a new glory system currently under way, with a range of possible uses for glory proposed. When the discussion has reached some form of conclusion amongst the staff, it will be posted for comment.
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