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Repair shops
A repairer, like shops, is on the mobile and not the room. Often but not always the repairer is also a shop. Lets use Hilmer of Waterdeep as our example. This would be his entry in the #REPAIRS section of the area file.
Lets break this up and look at it in detail:
8131 - This is the vnum of the mobile (Brian) who is doing the repairs. In your area this number would be a QQ00 vnum.
ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER - The second and third fields are the item types that the repairer can repair. A repairer can repair up to two types of items. If you want to have your repairer just repair one item, then set the second field to 0. You can also have repairers that repair things like treasure, armour and furniture. For a list of item types refer to the Item Types List.
SUBSTANCE_METAL - The next field determines the material type that a repairer can repair. There is only one type of material that a repairer can repair. However, these types cover a group of materials. For a list of material types refer to Repair Shops Material Types List. Note that this field recently changed from MATERIAL_TYPE_METAL. Use of MATERIAL_TYPE in the repairs section of an area will crash the game now.
100 1 - The first number is the profit modifier. At 100 it will cost 1/10th of the the cost of the item to have it repaired. The 1 indicates that it is a repairer. If this was a 2 then the mobile would recharge items like staves and wands. Instead of the 1 or 2 you can put SHOP_FIX or SHOP_RECHARGE. This is handy if you have many repairers in the area of the two different types.
5 21 - As for shops this is the hours that the repair is open.
; the guard smithy - After the ; you can put a comment, ideally the mobile name that is the repairer.
Note that mobiles can be repairers AND shops. If the shop that sells an item is the one who made the item then it makes sense that they also repair the item they sell.
You must also make the mobile in the #MOBILES section of your area file and place the mobile in the #RESETS section of your area file. Here is the information for Hilmer of Waterdeep. You can see by his resets that he also sells items. He will have a #SHOPS listing as well.
#8131 hilmer master armourer~ {70}Hilmer~ {70}Hilmer the Master Armourer is polishing some armour here. ~ {70}He is dressed in fine chain mail so light it would be almost like wearing clothes. It is a fine display of his work. His is a solid well muscled man from many hours at the forge. He is bald but for a fringe of hair around the rim of his head. His eyes are close together and look rather mean. ~ U 45 CLASS_WARRIOR RACE_HUMAN SEX_MALE POS_STANDING DEITY_NONE ACT_SENTINEL|ACT_NOSHOVE|ACT_CITIZEN 0 ARMOR_TYPE_CHAIN_MAIL MATERIAL_STEEL d10+1 0 13 13 13 18 13 18 13 0 0 0 0 0 LANG_COMMON LANG_COMMON RIS_NONE RIS_NONE RIS_NONE
Hilmer is sentinel and he has been flagged no shove to prevent characters from shoving him out of his shop.
M 0 8131 1 8401; Hilmer in Halls of Hilmer - Master G 1 8123 60 ; fine chain mail armour G 1 8124 60 ; a fine chain mail coif G 1 8125 60 ;a pair of fine chainmail G 1 8126 60 ; fine chain mail sleeves G 1 8127 60 ;a pair of fine chainmail G 1 8094 60 ; chain mail belt
If Hilmer was to be just a repairer and sell nothing then he would have no #SHOPS entry and he would have no G resets.