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Floating Disc

Evocation [Force]
Range: Close
Target: Ignore
Syntax: cast 'floating disc'
Syntax: hitch disc <character|mount|pet>

This spell creates a magic disc of energy which can then serve as a cart
for the caster or another character. The disc is not a permanent object
and the magic will dissipate after a period of time. When the disc decays,
any items that were in it will be spilled into the room the disc was in.

* Warning: The floating disc is coded as a cart and, as such, should NEVER
EVER be brought into a (dwelling or shop) storeroom - doing so might cause
the storeroom to be emptied! Also, when casting the spell the disc will
dismiss any current cart the caster has.

This spell cannot be cast by a conjurer
This spell cannot be cast by an enchanter

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