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Evocation Spells

1- Burning Hands, Floating Disc, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp
2- Snowball Swarm
3- Fireball, Lightning Bolt
4- Fireshield, Ice Storm, Iceshield, Shockshield
5- Cone of Cold
6- Chain Lightning, Continual Light
7- Delayed Blast Fireball
8- Polar Ray
9- Meteor Swarm

* While Invokers, specialists of the Evocation School, are
masters of channeling pure elemental power and even raw force, they
are not proficient with the spheres of Enchantment, nor Conjuration,
and thus both schools are forbidden to them.

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Burning Hands Chain Lightning Cone of Cold
Conjuration Spells Continual Light Delayed Blast Fireball
Enchantment Spells Evocation Fireball
Fireshield Floating Disc Ice Storm
Iceshield Invokers Lightning Bolt
Magic Missile Meteor Swarm Polar Ray
Shocking Grasp Shockshield Snowball Swarm
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