Online Help

Using ECHO Commands

The echo commands can be used to simulate control over other
player characters or non-player characters. If, for example,
you wanted to simulate the guard in Waterdeep weighing in on
the conversation then you would do this...

recho (20)The guard says, (70)"Hello there."

You would replace the parentheses with braces (SHIFT + [ for
Windows users). Every player in the room would see this:

The guard says, "Hello there."

This can be used to bring Faerun to life for your story, and
truly enhance its depth.

* This should obviously be used with some restraint. Do not
force other players into actions with which they are not co-
mfortable. Also do not grant powers to any PC or NPC. This
command is a privilege and its misuse carries consequences.

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Echo/Recho/Echoat/Areaecho Role-Play Assistants
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